Answering the Call at Pickering Pyro Protection

By Stephen Purdy, 04/24/23

Dedicated to combatting fires nationwide for the past four decades, Jaime Pickering and his wife, Rebecca, took the fight to the next level in 2015 when they launched Pickering Pyro Protection in Aumsville, Oregon. Starting as a The National Wildfire Suppression Association (NWSA) Certified Training facility with one truck, the organization has since grown to a focal regional training center that has since grown to include 12 vehicles and the training of thousands of firefighters annually.

“We’ve spent most of our lives committed to saving people, landmarks and the environment,” said Pickering. “We do what we can, when we can. In addition to the instructional courses, we all also lend our equipment and services to fire-fighting organizations across the country. As a result, we are constantly on call and always there to support our fellow brothers whenever we’re needed.”

In recent months, this meant upgrading their services with the repair of the wood decking on a used, 25 ft. flatbed trailer that Pickering purchased in 2020 from a local associate. “Nearly 30 years old, the trailer’s decking was warped and cracked, making it extremely difficult to haul our 17,000 lbs. bulldozer, bobcats and other equipment at least once a month to various sites located throughout the region and surrounding states,” said Pickering.

After a Google search and several conversations with in Forest Grove, Pickering drove more than 100 miles to purchase the company’s Apitong 2x8 Full Sawn Rough Heavy Duty Deck Boards and ExoShield Apitong Oil.

“We literally rolled into the parking lot and not only brought out the material, but helped us fit the decking into the flatbed,” explained Pickering. “So, we knew exactly what we needed before we left their facility.”

“We are always willing to take the added step for customers,” said Stephen Purdy,’s sales manager. “But we even went further for this company given the great work they’re doing to safeguard our communities and the lives of millions.”

Once home, the Pickerings then took three days to stain and fasten the deck boards onto the trailer, which according to Jaime “looks absolutely amazing” and couldn’t have been easier. “One at a time, we stained all four sides of each board and the top boards a total of three times,” said Pickering. “This included letting the stain set into the wood for a few hours and then wiping off the excess. The entire job took about two days to complete.”

“Our Apitong Oil uses only the finest marine grade ingredients to preserve the natural luster and beauty of both hardwood and softwoods,” offered Purdy. “When applied every one to two years, everything from trailer beds to wood trim will maintain a nearly brand-new appearance with very little maintenance. All you have to do is apply the stain to clean and bright wood surfaces; let it dry for 20 to 30 minutes; then wipe off to admire spectacular results.”’s Apitong Oil was specifically-designed to enhance the durability and beauty of nearly all exterior wood products used in heavy duty automotive and industrial applications. It contains a proprietary blend of Tung oil, UV blockers, fungicide, and trans-oxide pigments that have made the wood stain water-, UV- and acid-resistant, while helping to maintain the wood's natural color and significantly delaying the graying and weathering process. “Everything came out great and the trailer looks almost new,” offered Pickering. “We’ve actually had the trailer back on the road several times since it’s been refurbished. It’s performed perfectly and with a look that embodies the quality of our services.”

“We love jobs like these,” added Purdy. “We pride ourselves on the success of our customers and their ability to fulfill the needs of their clients.”

By Stephen Purdy, 04/24/23

"Do you guys have any photos of their trucks?"

By SteveG on 05/15/23


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